Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2021
Status: Master Thesis
Software Used: Autocad 2D, SketchUp 3D, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe In Design, Final Cut Pro
Extended Theatre is my master thesis which focus on extending the use of space. I collaborated I collaborated with local theatre to enhanced the use of conventional theatre to accommodate communities’ activities, activating an ‘Extended Theatre’ in spatial, inclusivity, and time aspect.

Theatre has been a source of entertainment for hundred years ago. In Italy, it was started in 55 BC in Rome when Pompey the Great built the Theatre of Pompey. Since then, people go to the theatre participating to watch various live shows, from opera, concerts, to musicals. The act of going to the theatre fulfills the need to feel entertained, to escape from the reality, and even as social hedonism. Live show as the theatre’s main attraction invites the audience to spend two to three hours watching a performance. While the tailored activity of watching a performance with a definite duration time attracts specific visitors, the youthful generation raised amid a digital culture may prove harder to lure to a live theatrical performance. The phenomena caused the role of theatre to be expanded.
The goal of this project is to widening theatre as a building function, from its spatial aspect to maximize its capacity to accommodate other activities. Time aspect to lengthen the active hours of theatre so not only limited to the duration of the live show as its main entertainment. The last is theatre’s visitor aspect to be more inclusive, balancing the visitor diversity.
The project starts with exploration research regarding Theatre Ar cimboldi’s existing condition and Show Bees company’s goal for the theatre as the manager. The second phase of the project is creation part where the output of the exploration research was synthesized constructing the main research question and project concept. The project concept of extended theatre was then developed to direct the spatial project in Theatre Arcimboldi. The last phase of the project, the implementation phase covers the design process of the spatial project result.